
Snickers and Apple Salad


Snickers and Apple Salad
Snickers and Apple Salad

There’s something undeniably whimsical about combining the crisp tartness of Granny Smith apples with the gooey sweetness of Snickers bars, all enveloped in a cloud of creamy goodness. This Snickers and Apple Salad is the kind of dish that makes you pause and marvel at the playful audacity of dessert salads. It’s a dish that, at first glance, might seem like a culinary oddity, but once tasted, it becomes a delightful revelation. This recipe, a beloved potluck staple, has a special place in my heart, reminiscent of sunny days, laughter-filled gatherings, and the simple joy of sharing food with loved ones.


The story behind this quirky dish is as colorful as its ingredients. I first encountered it at a community potluck, tucked between the more traditional salads and casseroles. Its whimsical name caught my eye, but it was the taste that captured my heart. In every bite, there was a harmonious blend of textures and flavors – the crispness of the apples, the rich, chewy Snickers, all brought together by the silky smoothness of the whipped topping. It was an unexpected hit, a conversation starter that had everyone asking for the recipe. And now, I’m delighted to share this little piece of potluck magic with you.



  • 4 Granny Smith Apples
  • 4-5 Snickers Candy Bars
  • 8 oz Cool Whip (or 1 cup heavy whipping cream if you prefer a more homemade touch)
  • 1 (3.4 oz) package of Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix
  • 1/2 cup milk (any variety will do, but whole milk gives a richer flavor)



How to make Snickers and Apple Salad?

  1. Begin by washing the apples thoroughly. There’s something meditative about preparing the apples, feeling the cool water run over them, knowing they’re about to be transformed into something delightful. Cut them into small cubes, aiming for a size that’s perfect for getting a bit of apple in every bite.
  2. Next, tackle the Snickers bars. Cutting them into small chunks is a task that always brings a smile to my face, each piece a promise of the sweet surprises nestled within the salad.
  3. If you’re opting for heavy whipping cream, whip it to stiff peaks now. There’s a certain satisfaction in watching liquid cream transform into fluffy clouds of perfection.
  4. In a large bowl, whisk together the milk and vanilla pudding mix until well combined. The mixture will start to thicken, becoming the velvety base of your salad.
  5. Now, for the fun part: if you’re using Cool Whip, fold it into the pudding mixture until well combined. If you’ve whipped your own cream, gently fold the pudding mixture into it, taking care not to deflate those precious peaks.
  6. Add in the cubed apples and Snickers chunks, stirring gently until everything is well combined. Each stir is a step closer to that perfect blend of flavors and textures.
  7. Refrigerate the salad until ready to serve. This chilling time allows the flavors to meld together, turning your salad into a cohesive, irresistible treat.


Serving Suggestions

This Snickers and Apple Salad shines brightest when served as a sweet finale to a casual lunch, a barbecue, or, of course, at a potluck where it can spark conversations and perhaps even new friendships.




  • Can I make this salad ahead of time?

  • Absolutely! It’s best made a few hours in advance, allowing the flavors to meld in the refrigerator.


  • Is there a healthier alternative to Snickers bars?

  • For a lighter version, you can substitute dark chocolate chunks and a sprinkle of peanuts to mimic the flavor profile of Snickers.


  • Can I use a different type of apple?

  • Yes, though Granny Smith apples are preferred for their tartness, which balances the sweetness of the Snickers and pudding. Feel free to experiment with your favorite varieties.


  • How long does this salad keep?

  • It’s best enjoyed within 24 hours of making, as the apples will start to lose their crispness over time.

This Snickers and Apple Salad is more than just a dish; it’s a celebration of unexpected combinations and the sheer joy of sharing good food. It reminds us that sometimes, the most memorable flavors come from the most surprising places. So, here’s to the dishes that make us smile, the recipes that bring us together, and the sweet, simple pleasures of a well-loved dessert salad.


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