
Old-School Pizza Burgers


Pizza Burgers, pizza burgers recipe, Hamburger buns, vegan ground beef, Pizza

The Retro Charm of Pizza Burgers:

Old-school pizza burgers bring forth a whimsical blend of two all-time favorites – the pizza and the burger. There’s something delightfully nostalgic about these pizza burgers, reminiscent of childhood parties, diner visits, or perhaps homemade family dinners.



Why They’re a Classic:

  1. Versatility: One of the things that makes pizza burgers a lasting favorite is their adaptability. While this recipe provides a solid base, it’s open to endless variations. You can customize them based on dietary preferences, available ingredients, or simply the mood of the day.
  2. Child-Friendly: The blend of meat, cheese, and the familiar bun can make it a hit among kids. It’s an excellent way to introduce them to different flavors gently.
  3. Perfect for Gatherings: Due to their individual serving sizes and ease of preparation, pizza burgers are an excellent choice for parties or family gatherings. Plus, they’re a conversation starter, invoking memories and shared experiences.


Pairing Suggestions:

  • Drinks: Consider classic soda pop, iced tea, or a refreshing lemonade to accompany your pizza burger. Adults can even enjoy it with a chilled beer.
  • Sides: Since this is a hearty main dish, lighter sides like a Caesar salad, coleslaw, or even some grilled vegetables would complement it well.
  • Dips: Marinara sauce, ranch dressing, or a garlic aioli can be delightful dips to accompany these pizza burgers.



Storage & Leftovers:

If you happen to have leftovers (which might be rare!), they refrigerate well. Place them in an airtight container, and when you’re ready to enjoy them again, just pop them in the oven or toaster oven until they’re heated through.





Pizza burgers are more than just a dish; they’re a delightful journey into the past. Each bite is a mingling of flavors and memories. Whether you’re introducing them to a new generation or reminiscing with old friends, these old-school pizza burgers promise a delicious experience. So, get out those aprons and relive the magic of yesteryears!


Old-School Pizza Burgers

Take a trip down memory lane with these classic pizza burgers. Perfect for a throwback night or when you’re in the mood for something hearty and cheesy. This recipe combines the comforting flavors of a burger with the irresistible allure of pizza, making it a hit among both kids and adults.


Ready In: 30 mins
Ingredients: 11
Yields: 24
Serves: 10-12




  • 1 lb hamburger
  • 6 ounces luncheon meat, grated (Spam)
  • 2 cups spaghetti sauce (use Ragu)
  • 2 cups grated mozzarella cheese (about 1/2 pound)
  • Optional: 2 cups American cheese (about 1/2 pound)
  • 1 tablespoon dried parsley
  • 1 ½ teaspoons dried oregano
  • 1⁄4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1⁄4 teaspoon salt
  • 1⁄8 teaspoon pepper
  • 12 plain hamburger buns
  • 1 cup grated cheese (for topping burgers before baking; a combination of American and Mozzarella cheese is recommended).



  1. Meat Mixture: Begin by browning the hamburger in a skillet. Once browned, ensure you drain any excess fat. Introduce the grated luncheon meat to the skillet and sauté for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Cheese & Seasoning: Introduce the spaghetti sauce to the meat mixture. Follow this up with the mozzarella cheese (and American cheese if you’re using it), dried parsley, dried oregano, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Ensure you stir the mixture continuously until the cheese has fully melted and the ingredients have combined seamlessly.
  3. Bun Prep: Position all the hamburger bun halves on cookie sheets.
  4. Assembly: Spoon your desired quantity of the meat and cheese sauce over each bun half. For an added layer of cheesiness, sprinkle the buns with a combination of grated American and mozzarella cheese.
  5. Baking: Place the cookie sheets in a preheated oven at 425 degrees. Allow the pizza burgers to bake for 10 minutes or until they’re heated through. The cheese on top should be melted and showcase a bubbly texture.
  6. Serving: Serve your pizza burgers immediately while they’re still hot and the cheese is ooey-gooey.


Chef’s Tip: You can add some sliced black olives or pepperoni on top of the cheese for an extra layer of flavor. Enjoy these delightful pizza burgers with a side salad or some crispy potato wedges for a complete meal.



Old-School Pizza Burgers: A Delightful Mashup!

Evoke the nostalgia of childhood with these delightful pizza burgers. It’s an iconic fusion of two universally adored dishes: pizza and burgers. Perfect for those nights when you’re torn between pizza and burgers. The combination of hearty meat, aromatic seasonings, and gooey cheese is reminiscent of an era gone by yet forever cherished.



Variations & Recommendations:

  • Veggies: Elevate the nutrition and crunch by adding diced bell peppers, onions, or mushrooms into the meat mixture.
  • Proteins: For an even meatier bite, consider adding chopped pepperoni, crumbled sausage, or crispy bacon bits to the mixture.
  • Heat It Up: Add a pinch of red pepper flakes to the meat mixture for a subtle kick.
  • Going Healthier: Substitute whole grain or gluten-free buns if preferred.
  • Cheese Variations: Try using provolone or parmesan for a unique twist to the taste profile.


Serving Suggestions:

  • A refreshing, crisp Caesar or Greek salad pairs beautifully with these pizza burgers.
  • Consider serving with a bowl of tangy marinara sauce for dipping. This amplifies the pizza vibe!
  • Pair it with a carbonated drink or a chilled beer for adults, making the meal feel like a mini-feast.


Storage & Leftovers:

  • If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container. Reheat in the oven at 350 degrees F for 5-7 minutes or until heated through.


Did You Know?:

  • Pizza burgers have been a cafeteria staple for many schools in the mid to late 20th century, often served as a Friday treat.


Final Verdict: In a world where fusion dishes sometimes become overly complicated, this straightforward mashup of pizza and burgers remains a timeless classic. It’s simple, packed with flavor, and resonates with memories of childhood. Perfect for family dinners, parties, or just a fun meal for yourself, these pizza burgers are an ode to simplicity and deliciousness! So, take a bite and let the flavors transport you back in time! 🍕🍔


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