My dears, if you like the recipe please leave a comment!
250 g wholemeal butter biscuits
150 g butter
1 pinch of cinnamon
800 g double cream cheese
250 g natural yoghurt
100 g sugar
6 sheets of gelatine
½ lemon
100 g cream
2 – 3 tbsp sugar
150 ml red juice (e.g. blackcurrant juice)
120 ml water
350 g raspberries
1 packet of red cake icing
1. first place a cake ring (Ø 26cm) on a cake plate. Then grease the cake ring with a little butter and dust with icing sugar to make it easier to remove later.
Alternatively, you can line the cake ring with cling film.
2. then roughly crush the biscuits for the cake base and place in a freezer bag, close the bag and finely crush the biscuits using a rolling pin.
Next, mix the biscuit crumbs with the cinnamon and melted butter. Then pour the mixture into the cake ring and press down with a spoon.
3. for the cream cheese filling, soak the gelatine leaves in cold water and squeeze half a lemon. Then mix the cream cheese with the yoghurt, lemon juice and sugar until smooth.
4. whip the chilled cream in a tall mixing bowl until stiff and chill. Then squeeze out the gelatine leaves well and dissolve over a bain-marie.
Now mix 4-5 tbsp of the cream cheese cream with the gelatine over a bain-marie.
5. now stir the gelatine cream into the remaining mixture. Then fold the cream into the cream cheese mixture and pour onto the cake base and chill the cake for at least 5 hours, preferably overnight.
6. before serving, carefully remove the cake from the ring and spread the frozen raspberries over the cream so that everything is well covered.
7 Now mix the cake glaze with the sugar in a small pan. Then pour in the juice and water and bring to the boil, stirring constantly
Spread the icing thinly over the berries with a spoon, chill the cake for 30 minutes and then serve.
Makes 12 pieces.
Bon appétit