Attaining the highest standards of bathroom hygiene is a challenge that many people face in their daily house cleaning activities. Unlike other areas in the house, bathrooms are some of the sensitive places in any house that need to be kept immaculately clean at all times.
The general appearance of any bathroom and the odor therein says a lot about an individual and can easily form a negative or positive opinion about you from friends, guests or just any visitors. Still, this does not take away the challenges people face in cleaning their bathrooms to attain their desired cleanliness and odor levels.
Lately, many people have faced another different type of challenge in their bathrooms especially those using their bathrooms with their children. This challenge is that of pee smell which is so embarrassing especially if you have any visitors around who might want to use your bathroom at some point.
The problem with the pee smell is that it never goes away sometimes even after a proper bathroom cleaning. This is why many people find it challenging to deal with this issue compelling them to seek assistance for it. If you are one of those people burdened by a pee smell in your bathroom and looking for a solution consider the tips provided below for assistance.
- 1 1: Use Black Light for Urine Detection
- 2 2: Clean the Base of the Toilet Area Properly
- 3 3: Focus On the Walls
- 4 4: Get Any Unnecessary Items Out of Your Bathroom
- 5 5: Use the Best Cleaning Agents
- 6 6: Wash the Cleaning Rug Properly
- 7 7: Use the Toilet Properly
- 8 8: Clean the Bathroom Frequently
- 9 9: Teach Your Children to Use the Toilet Properly
- 10 Conclusion
1: Use Black Light for Urine Detection
If your bathroom has a pee smell then that is definitely coming about because of urine. It could be that there is urine in the bathroom or traces of urine. Therefore, when faced with this challenge, the first thing you need to do is try to establish whether there is any urine in your bathroom or not.
There are many ways you can use to do this among them the use of urine detection light. The black light used for urine detection is by far the best approach you can use to find urine or traces of urine in your bathroom. Black light exposes all the urine or traces of urine in the bathroom allowing you to see the exact bathroom areas you need to clean to get rid of the pee smell.
2: Clean the Base of the Toilet Area Properly
The whole issue of pee smell in a bathroom is down to cleaning and how you do this. Well, you could be thinking I have been cleaning my bathroom but the pee smell still persists what could be the problem? The answer is quite simple and that is, how you do the cleaning and where.
While cleaning your bathroom in general might seem like the best way to deal with pee smell, it always isn’t. In fact, if you do not know where to clean and using what then you might never be able to deal with this problem eventually.
There are certain areas in a bathroom that act as pee concentration points. Unfortunately, these areas are not easy to notice and hence not so easy to clean. They include but not limited to the base of the toilet which might have some cracks that can fill up with pee.
When pee accumulates in these areas, it creates an unpleasant smell which fills up the entire bathroom. Reacting to this smell, many people embark on a bathroom cleaning process not knowing which areas to focus on which is the base of the toilet. Therefore, it is very important to consider the base of the toilet when cleaning a bathroom to get rid of the pee smell.
3: Focus On the Walls
When cleaning the toilet, some people focus on the bathroom floor and the toilet ignoring the walls. Unknown to them, the walls of a bathroom play a role in the unpleasant smell of any bathroom. As people especially children use bathrooms for prolonged times, urine splashes and accumulates on the walls of the bathroom.
As this goes on over time, it results in a somewhat unpleasant smell coming from the walls of the bathroom. Therefore, cleaning these walls properly can help you deal with the problem of pee smell in your bathroom to some extent.
4: Get Any Unnecessary Items Out of Your Bathroom
Sometimes having so much stuff in your bathroom can contribute to the horrible smell coming from there. Urine splashes accumulating in these buckets and other items might occasion a pee smell. Therefore, if you have any such stuff in your bathroom better get rid of them to attain and maintain high bathroom hygiene.
However, if you must have some of these items in there then ensure they are well cleaned at all times. If not, they may bring about a bad smell that might not necessarily be pee smell or even both.
5: Use the Best Cleaning Agents
This is probably the most important tip on this list, the use of powerful cleaning agents. Remember, cleaning the bathroom in itself might not do much in getting rid of the pee smell. It is how you do the cleaning that matters most and here, the use of the best cleaning agents should be considered.
The best cleaning agents in this case means those agents that guarantee the highest levels of cleanliness while providing an amazing scent. The scent should be able to overcome any bad odor in the bathroom leaving it looking clean, and smelling nice.
6: Wash the Cleaning Rug Properly
People who clean bathrooms make the mistakes of focusing on the bathroom alone and ignoring the cleaning rug. Remember, it is this rug that comes into contact with all dirt in the bathroom. As you use it over time, the rug accumulates more and more bathroom dirt which includes pee.
Leaving it this way after use will only mean that the rug will start to smell badly messing up your bathroom even after long hours of dedicated cleaning. To avoid any such possibilities or outcomes, it is important to focus on the rug too when cleaning your bathroom and ensure that it is well cleaned just like the bathroom in the end.
7: Use the Toilet Properly
If you are one of the people who adopt the prevention is better than cure mindset then this tip is for you. Just use the toilet properly and direct everything in the right place. If you are peeing for instance, ensure you pee directly in the closet to avoid any pee overlapping and splashing to the bathroom floor.
This way, you will be able to significantly deal with the issue of pee smell in the bathroom and you might not even need to endure thorough cleaning sessions to get rid of the pee smell. This approach is one of the best and most reliable when it comes to dealing with pee smell in the bathroom.
8: Clean the Bathroom Frequently
Most of what you see in the bathroom ranging from pee smell to other forms of dirt comes from accumulation of pee and other waste materials in the bathroom. Dealing with this dirt effectively requires you to clean the bathroom frequently and properly. By cleaning your bathroom properly and frequently will help you avert any pee accumulation that might bring a bad smell in your bathroom.
9: Teach Your Children to Use the Toilet Properly
If you have children in the house then cleaning your bathroom is going to be one of the nightmares you will face until the children grow up. Instead of going through this entire mess because of them, why don’t you teach them how to use the toilet properly? This way, they will not mess up the toilet which might require you to embark on a tedious task of cleaning the bathroom.
Getting rid of the pee smell in the bathroom is process that requires more than just one approach to be successful. Cleaning your bathroom with the best agents is one of the best and proven ways of dealing with this issue.